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Trolley load-lifting jacks

Key characteristics:
Серия: ДПВ и ДПТ
Грузоподъемность: от 55 до 200 тонн
Давление: от 50 до 70 МПа
Development according to your specifications
Important information

The content of this publication is subject to copyright of JSC TD ENERPRED and cannot be reproduced (even in part) without appropriate permission. JSC TD "ENERPRED" reserves the right to make any changes to the design and characteristics of the tool offered in this catalog without prior notice. Instrument specifications, including weight, dimensions and other parameters, may vary slightly.

Drive pump
Model Drive
Presurebar Сapacityts Base
Strokemm MAX
Control Weightkg
Jacks with steel cylinder with integrated screw-extension
DPV55E electric 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Electro magnetic panel 160
DPV55P pneumatic 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Remote control panel 150
DPV100E electric 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Electro magnetic panel 216
DPV100P pneumatic 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Remote control panel 210
DPV150E electric 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 330
DPV150P pneumatic 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 349
DPV200E electric 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 416
DPV200P pneumatic 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 409
DPT series
DPT60/30E electric 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Electro magnetic panel 223
DPT60/30P pneumatic 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Remote control panel 217
DPT100/50E electric 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Electro magnetic panel 278
DPT100/50P pneumatic 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Remote control panel 270
DPT160/70E electric 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Electro magnetic panel 316
DPT160/70P pneumatic 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Remote control panel 309
Сapacity , ts
Model Drive
Presurebar Сapacityts Base
Strokemm MAX
Control Weightkg
Jacks with steel cylinder with integrated screw-extension
DPV55E electric 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Electro magnetic panel 160
DPV55P pneumatic 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Remote control panel 150
DPV100E electric 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Electro magnetic panel 216
DPV100P pneumatic 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Remote control panel 210
DPV150E electric 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 330
DPV150P pneumatic 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 349
DPV200E electric 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 416
DPV200P pneumatic 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 409
DPT series
DPT60/30E electric 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Electro magnetic panel 223
DPT60/30P pneumatic 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Remote control panel 217
DPT100/50E electric 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Electro magnetic panel 278
DPT100/50P pneumatic 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Remote control panel 270
DPT160/70E electric 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Electro magnetic panel 316
DPT160/70P pneumatic 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Remote control panel 309
Stroke , mm
Model Drive
Presurebar Сapacityts Base
Strokemm MAX
Control Weightkg
Jacks with steel cylinder with integrated screw-extension
DPV55E electric 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Electro magnetic panel 160
DPV55P pneumatic 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Remote control panel 150
DPV100E electric 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Electro magnetic panel 216
DPV100P pneumatic 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Remote control panel 210
DPV150E electric 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 330
DPV150P pneumatic 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 349
DPV200E electric 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 416
DPV200P pneumatic 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 409
DPT series
DPT60/30E electric 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Electro magnetic panel 223
DPT60/30P pneumatic 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Remote control panel 217
DPT100/50E electric 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Electro magnetic panel 278
DPT100/50P pneumatic 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Remote control panel 270
DPT160/70E electric 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Electro magnetic panel 316
DPT160/70P pneumatic 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Remote control panel 309
Model Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
Jacks with steel cylinder with integrated screw-extension
DPV55E electric 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Electro magnetic panel 160
DPV55P pneumatic 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Remote control panel 150
DPV100E electric 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Electro magnetic panel 216
DPV100P pneumatic 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Remote control panel 210
DPV150E electric 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 330
DPV150P pneumatic 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 349
DPV200E electric 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 416
DPV200P pneumatic 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 409
DPT series
DPT60/30E electric 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Electro magnetic panel 223
DPT60/30P pneumatic 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Remote control panel 217
DPT100/50E electric 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Electro magnetic panel 278
DPT100/50P pneumatic 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Remote control panel 270
DPT160/70E electric 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Electro magnetic panel 316
DPT160/70P pneumatic 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Remote control panel 309
Jacks with steel cylinder with integrated screw-extension
DPT series
Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm
electric 70 55 551
pneumatic 70 55 551
electric 70 100 627
pneumatic 70 100 627
electric 70 150 718
pneumatic 70 150 718
electric 70 200 718
pneumatic 70 200 718
electric 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439
pneumatic 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439
electric 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454
pneumatic 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454
electric 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506
pneumatic 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506
Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm
360 881 190 1071
360 881 190 1071
360 987 210 1197
360 987 210 1197
360 1078 250 1328
360 1078 250 1328
360 1078 250 1328
360 1078 250 1328
450 - - 889
450 - - 889
450 - - 1189
450 - - 1189
500 - - 1006
500 - - 1006
Control Weightkg
Electro magnetic panel 160
Remote control panel 150
Electro magnetic panel 216
Remote control panel 210
Electro magnetic panel 330
Remote control panel 349
Electro magnetic panel 416
Remote control panel 409
Electro magnetic panel 223
Remote control panel 217
Electro magnetic panel 278
Remote control panel 270
Electro magnetic panel 316
Remote control panel 309
Drive pump
Base heightmm
MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm
Progress screw-extensionmm
MAX height mmmm
DPV55E Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
electric 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Electro magnetic panel 160
DPV55P Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
pneumatic 70 55 551 360 881 190 1071 Remote control panel 150
DPV100E Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
electric 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Electro magnetic panel 216
DPV100P Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
pneumatic 70 100 627 360 987 210 1197 Remote control panel 210
DPV150E Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
electric 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 330
DPV150P Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
pneumatic 70 150 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 349
DPV200E Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
electric 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Electro magnetic panel 416
DPV200P Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
pneumatic 70 200 718 360 1078 250 1328 Remote control panel 409
DPT60/30E Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
electric 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Electro magnetic panel 223
DPT60/30P Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
pneumatic 50 60-1-st stage/30-2-st stage 439 450 - - 889 Remote control panel 217
DPT100/50E Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
electric 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Electro magnetic panel 278
DPT100/50P Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
pneumatic 50 100-1-st stage/50-2-st stage 454 450 - - 1189 Remote control panel 270
DPT160/70E Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
electric 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Electro magnetic panel 316
DPT160/70P Drive pump Presurebar Сapacityts Base heightmm Strokemm MAX height (without screw-extension) mmmm Progress screw-extensionmm MAX height mmmm Control Weightkg
pneumatic 50 160-1-st stage/70-2-st stage 506 500 - - 1006 Remote control panel 309

Manual hydraulic pumps for equipment with hydraulic retrection

Electric pumps equipped with manual discharge tap

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Подкатные домкраты серии предназначены для подъема карьерной техники, железнодорожных вагонов и другой тяжелой техники

Advantages of trolley jacks:

  • Floating support for decrease in radial load on jack;
  • Exclusive structure of extension screw with fixing device;
  • Portable steel foundation of jack with possibility of remote operation;
  • Remote control for maximum protection of operator;
  • Rigid closed frame of structure;
  • Polyurethane wheels made in Germany provide high wearing capacity, high manoeuvrability;
  • Hydraulic lock to prevent spontaneous lowering of cargo;
  • It is possible to use station for other equipment and tools.

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Rosa Luxemburg street, 184,post office box 129
Irkutsk, 664040, Russia


+7 (3952) 211-140


+7 (3952) 555-159

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