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The content of this publication is subject to copyright of JSC TD ENERPRED and cannot be reproduced (even in part) without appropriate permission. JSC TD "ENERPRED" reserves the right to make any changes to the design and characteristics of the tool offered in this catalog without prior notice. Instrument specifications, including weight, dimensions and other parameters, may vary slightly.

Model Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
PGA1208 Pressing 8 44-280 270 140 28 M12xP1.75 30 380x552...662 36
Removal (external grip) 12 85-300 260 140 28 - - 380x552...662 -
Removal (internal grip) 8 90-245 130-150 - - 1″-12UNF - 380x552...662 -
PG1208 Pressing 8 44-280 270 140 28 M12xP1.75 30 380x535...615 33,9
Removal (external grip) 12 85-300 260 140 28 - - 380x535...615 -
Removal (internal grip) 8 90-245 130-150 - - 1″-12UNF - 380x535...615 -
PV0806 Pressing 8 70-206 240 720 3/4″-10UNC M12xP1.75 30 275x330...610 12
Removal (external grip) 8 29-186 230 720 3/4″-10UNC - - 275x330...610 -
Removal (internal grip) 8 52-150 130-150 34 5/8″-11UNC 3/4″-10UNC - 275x330...610 -
Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm
Pressing 8 44-280 270
Removal (external grip) 12 85-300 260
Removal (internal grip) 8 90-245 130-150
Pressing 8 44-280 270
Removal (external grip) 12 85-300 260
Removal (internal grip) 8 90-245 130-150
Pressing 8 70-206 240
Removal (external grip) 8 29-186 230
Removal (internal grip) 8 52-150 130-150
Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm
140 28 M12xP1.75 30
140 28 - -
- - 1″-12UNF -
140 28 M12xP1.75 30
140 28 - -
- - 1″-12UNF -
720 3/4″-10UNC M12xP1.75 30
720 3/4″-10UNC - -
34 5/8″-11UNC 3/4″-10UNC -
Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
380x552...662 36
380x552...662 -
380x552...662 -
380x535...615 33,9
380x535...615 -
380x535...615 -
275x330...610 12
275x330...610 -
275x330...610 -
Type of operation
Габариты (BxH)mm
Масса с кейсомkg
PGA1208 Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Pressing 8 44-280 270 140 28 M12xP1.75 30 380x552...662 36
Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Removal (external grip) 12 85-300 260 140 28 - - 380x552...662 -
Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Removal (internal grip) 8 90-245 130-150 - - 1″-12UNF - 380x552...662 -
PG1208 Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Pressing 8 44-280 270 140 28 M12xP1.75 30 380x535...615 33,9
Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Removal (external grip) 12 85-300 260 140 28 - - 380x535...615 -
Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Removal (internal grip) 8 90-245 130-150 - - 1″-12UNF - 380x535...615 -
PV0806 Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Pressing 8 70-206 240 720 3/4″-10UNC M12xP1.75 30 275x330...610 12
Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Removal (external grip) 8 29-186 230 720 3/4″-10UNC - - 275x330...610 -
Type of operation Capacityton Amm Bmm Cmm Dmm Emm Fmm Габариты (BxH)mm Масса с кейсомkg
Removal (internal grip) 8 52-150 130-150 34 5/8″-11UNC 3/4″-10UNC - 275x330...610 -
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Сontact details

“3 in 1” unique structure of presser-puller allows to use one tool for quick and safe parts pressing, parts removal (internal and external grip). Presser-puller is ideal for mounting and dismantling of various parts, including plugs, wheels, bearings, gears and rollers.

  • Pumping module of double action provides force both for pressing and removal of parts put with tension;
  • Unique structure of legs allow to perform operations on parts removal and pressing without their dismantling;
  • 3-gripper structure provides reliable grip;
  • Puller centering mechanism with internal grip provides equal distribution of load excluding grips sliding from part being removed;
  • Integrated safety valve provides safe operation and protects working mechanisms from damages; provides permanent operation with rated pressure extending service life of tool;
  • Models PGA1208 and PG1208 are delivered in metal boxes.

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Rosa Luxemburg street, 184,post office box 129
Irkutsk, 664040, Russia


+7 (3952) 211-140


+7 (3952) 555-159

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