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Hollow plunger cylinders

Key characteristics:
Усилие: от 15 до 350 тс
Давление: 70 МПа
Серия: ДП...П...
Возрат штока: Пружинный
Серия: ДП...Г...
Возрат штока: Гидравлический
Development according to your specifications
Important information

The content of this publication is subject to copyright of JSC TD ENERPRED and cannot be reproduced (even in part) without appropriate permission. JSC TD "ENERPRED" reserves the right to make any changes to the design and characteristics of the tool offered in this catalog without prior notice. Instrument specifications, including weight, dimensions and other parameters, may vary slightly.

Сapacity , t
Model Сapacity t Stroke mm Working
d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
DP15P50 15,7 50 112 М10 2 62 29 80 80×161×173 5,7 flat saddle types
DP15P100 15,7 100 224 М10 2 62 29 80 80×160×229 6,3 flat saddle with a hole D28
DP20P50 21,3 50 150 М10 2 65 27 98 98×178×154 7,7 flat saddle with a hole D28
DP30P63 31,4 63 172 М10 2 85 33 115 162×207×178 11,7 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP50P75 58,5 75 615 М12 2 120 54 158 235×218×238 27,9 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP60P75 60 75 632 М12 2 120 50 158 218×238×235 28,2 flat saddle with a hole D50
DP90P120 92 120 1565 М12 2 145 70 200 260×280×307 54 flat saddle with a hole D70
DP100P75 105,9 75 1113 М12 2 145 80 215 275×295×235 49 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP175P75 178 75 1875 М12 2 200 90 260 339×340×298 87 flat saddle with a hole D90
DP10G150 8,96 150 133 - - - 20 70 70×187×308 8,4 flat saddle with a hole D22
DP10G250 8,96 250 220 - - - 20 70 70×187×408 10,9 t saddle with a hole D22
DP30G25 31,4 25 58,6 М10 2 85 33 115 115×230×128 9,6 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP30G150 31,4 150 351 М10 2 85 33 115 176×250×278 19,1 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP30G250 31,4 250 584 М10 2 85 33 115 176×250×378 25 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP50G150 56,9 150 554 М12 2 120 54 258 218×276×310 37,2 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP50G250 56,9 250 1089 М12 2 120 54 258 218×276×410 48 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP100G150 105,9 150 1131 М12 2 150 80 215 275×333×335 71 flat saddle with a hole D80
ДП100Г150А* 105,9 150 1131 М12 4 200 120 240 342×357×340 41 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP100G250 105,9 250 1885 М12 2 150 80 215 275×333×435 90 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP150G200 151,3 200 5230 120 270 390×387×400 122 t saddle with a hole D120
DP150G200А* 151,3 200 5230 М16 4 250 120 310 414×427×400 74 t saddle with a hole D120
DP200G150 213 150 4477 110 290 410×407×350 130 t saddle with a hole D110
DP350G200А* 361 200 10126 М16 4 300 110 390 512×507×400 120 t saddle with a hole D110
Stroke , mm
Model Сapacity t Stroke mm Working
d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
DP15P50 15,7 50 112 М10 2 62 29 80 80×161×173 5,7 flat saddle types
DP15P100 15,7 100 224 М10 2 62 29 80 80×160×229 6,3 flat saddle with a hole D28
DP20P50 21,3 50 150 М10 2 65 27 98 98×178×154 7,7 flat saddle with a hole D28
DP30P63 31,4 63 172 М10 2 85 33 115 162×207×178 11,7 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP50P75 58,5 75 615 М12 2 120 54 158 235×218×238 27,9 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP60P75 60 75 632 М12 2 120 50 158 218×238×235 28,2 flat saddle with a hole D50
DP90P120 92 120 1565 М12 2 145 70 200 260×280×307 54 flat saddle with a hole D70
DP100P75 105,9 75 1113 М12 2 145 80 215 275×295×235 49 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP175P75 178 75 1875 М12 2 200 90 260 339×340×298 87 flat saddle with a hole D90
DP10G150 8,96 150 133 - - - 20 70 70×187×308 8,4 flat saddle with a hole D22
DP10G250 8,96 250 220 - - - 20 70 70×187×408 10,9 t saddle with a hole D22
DP30G25 31,4 25 58,6 М10 2 85 33 115 115×230×128 9,6 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP30G150 31,4 150 351 М10 2 85 33 115 176×250×278 19,1 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP30G250 31,4 250 584 М10 2 85 33 115 176×250×378 25 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP50G150 56,9 150 554 М12 2 120 54 258 218×276×310 37,2 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP50G250 56,9 250 1089 М12 2 120 54 258 218×276×410 48 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP100G150 105,9 150 1131 М12 2 150 80 215 275×333×335 71 flat saddle with a hole D80
ДП100Г150А* 105,9 150 1131 М12 4 200 120 240 342×357×340 41 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP100G250 105,9 250 1885 М12 2 150 80 215 275×333×435 90 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP150G200 151,3 200 5230 120 270 390×387×400 122 t saddle with a hole D120
DP150G200А* 151,3 200 5230 М16 4 250 120 310 414×427×400 74 t saddle with a hole D120
DP200G150 213 150 4477 110 290 410×407×350 130 t saddle with a hole D110
DP350G200А* 361 200 10126 М16 4 300 110 390 512×507×400 120 t saddle with a hole D110
Model Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
DP15P50 15,7 50 112 М10 2 62 29 80 80×161×173 5,7 flat saddle types
DP15P100 15,7 100 224 М10 2 62 29 80 80×160×229 6,3 flat saddle with a hole D28
DP20P50 21,3 50 150 М10 2 65 27 98 98×178×154 7,7 flat saddle with a hole D28
DP30P63 31,4 63 172 М10 2 85 33 115 162×207×178 11,7 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP50P75 58,5 75 615 М12 2 120 54 158 235×218×238 27,9 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP60P75 60 75 632 М12 2 120 50 158 218×238×235 28,2 flat saddle with a hole D50
DP90P120 92 120 1565 М12 2 145 70 200 260×280×307 54 flat saddle with a hole D70
DP100P75 105,9 75 1113 М12 2 145 80 215 275×295×235 49 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP175P75 178 75 1875 М12 2 200 90 260 339×340×298 87 flat saddle with a hole D90
DP10G150 8,96 150 133 - - - 20 70 70×187×308 8,4 flat saddle with a hole D22
DP10G250 8,96 250 220 - - - 20 70 70×187×408 10,9 t saddle with a hole D22
DP30G25 31,4 25 58,6 М10 2 85 33 115 115×230×128 9,6 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP30G150 31,4 150 351 М10 2 85 33 115 176×250×278 19,1 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP30G250 31,4 250 584 М10 2 85 33 115 176×250×378 25 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP50G150 56,9 150 554 М12 2 120 54 258 218×276×310 37,2 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP50G250 56,9 250 1089 М12 2 120 54 258 218×276×410 48 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP100G150 105,9 150 1131 М12 2 150 80 215 275×333×335 71 flat saddle with a hole D80
ДП100Г150А* 105,9 150 1131 М12 4 200 120 240 342×357×340 41 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP100G250 105,9 250 1885 М12 2 150 80 215 275×333×435 90 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP150G200 151,3 200 5230 120 270 390×387×400 122 t saddle with a hole D120
DP150G200А* 151,3 200 5230 М16 4 250 120 310 414×427×400 74 t saddle with a hole D120
DP200G150 213 150 4477 110 290 410×407×350 130 t saddle with a hole D110
DP350G200А* 361 200 10126 М16 4 300 110 390 512×507×400 120 t saddle with a hole D110
Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm
15,7 50 112 М10
15,7 100 224 М10
21,3 50 150 М10
31,4 63 172 М10
58,5 75 615 М12
60 75 632 М12
92 120 1565 М12
105,9 75 1113 М12
178 75 1875 М12
8,96 150 133 -
8,96 250 220 -
31,4 25 58,6 М10
31,4 150 351 М10
31,4 250 584 М10
56,9 150 554 М12
56,9 250 1089 М12
105,9 150 1131 М12
105,9 150 1131 М12
105,9 250 1885 М12
151,3 200 5230
151,3 200 5230 М16
213 150 4477
361 200 10126 М16
n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm
2 62 29 80
2 62 29 80
2 65 27 98
2 85 33 115
2 120 54 158
2 120 50 158
2 145 70 200
2 145 80 215
2 200 90 260
- - 20 70
- - 20 70
2 85 33 115
2 85 33 115
2 85 33 115
2 120 54 258
2 120 54 258
2 150 80 215
4 200 120 240
2 150 80 215
120 270
4 250 120 310
110 290
4 300 110 390
Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
80×161×173 5,7 flat saddle types
80×160×229 6,3 flat saddle with a hole D28
98×178×154 7,7 flat saddle with a hole D28
162×207×178 11,7 flat saddle with a hole D34
235×218×238 27,9 flat saddle with a hole D55
218×238×235 28,2 flat saddle with a hole D50
260×280×307 54 flat saddle with a hole D70
275×295×235 49 flat saddle with a hole D80
339×340×298 87 flat saddle with a hole D90
70×187×308 8,4 flat saddle with a hole D22
70×187×408 10,9 t saddle with a hole D22
115×230×128 9,6 flat saddle with a hole D34
176×250×278 19,1 flat saddle with a hole D34
176×250×378 25 flat saddle with a hole D34
218×276×310 37,2 flat saddle with a hole D55
218×276×410 48 flat saddle with a hole D55
275×333×335 71 flat saddle with a hole D80
342×357×340 41 flat saddle with a hole D80
275×333×435 90 flat saddle with a hole D80
390×387×400 122 t saddle with a hole D120
414×427×400 74 t saddle with a hole D120
410×407×350 130 t saddle with a hole D110
512×507×400 120 t saddle with a hole D110
Сapacity t
Stroke mm
Working oil capacity cm3
d1 mm
n шт.
D1 mm
d2 mm
Dimensionsmm (BxLxH)
Weight kg
DP15P50 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
15,7 50 112 М10 2 62 29 80 80×161×173 5,7 flat saddle types
DP15P100 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
15,7 100 224 М10 2 62 29 80 80×160×229 6,3 flat saddle with a hole D28
DP20P50 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
21,3 50 150 М10 2 65 27 98 98×178×154 7,7 flat saddle with a hole D28
DP30P63 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
31,4 63 172 М10 2 85 33 115 162×207×178 11,7 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP50P75 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
58,5 75 615 М12 2 120 54 158 235×218×238 27,9 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP60P75 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
60 75 632 М12 2 120 50 158 218×238×235 28,2 flat saddle with a hole D50
DP90P120 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
92 120 1565 М12 2 145 70 200 260×280×307 54 flat saddle with a hole D70
DP100P75 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
105,9 75 1113 М12 2 145 80 215 275×295×235 49 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP175P75 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
178 75 1875 М12 2 200 90 260 339×340×298 87 flat saddle with a hole D90
DP10G150 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
8,96 150 133 - - - 20 70 70×187×308 8,4 flat saddle with a hole D22
DP10G250 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
8,96 250 220 - - - 20 70 70×187×408 10,9 t saddle with a hole D22
DP30G25 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
31,4 25 58,6 М10 2 85 33 115 115×230×128 9,6 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP30G150 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
31,4 150 351 М10 2 85 33 115 176×250×278 19,1 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP30G250 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
31,4 250 584 М10 2 85 33 115 176×250×378 25 flat saddle with a hole D34
DP50G150 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
56,9 150 554 М12 2 120 54 258 218×276×310 37,2 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP50G250 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
56,9 250 1089 М12 2 120 54 258 218×276×410 48 flat saddle with a hole D55
DP100G150 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
105,9 150 1131 М12 2 150 80 215 275×333×335 71 flat saddle with a hole D80
ДП100Г150А* Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
105,9 150 1131 М12 4 200 120 240 342×357×340 41 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP100G250 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
105,9 250 1885 М12 2 150 80 215 275×333×435 90 flat saddle with a hole D80
DP150G200 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
151,3 200 5230 120 270 390×387×400 122 t saddle with a hole D120
DP150G200А* Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
151,3 200 5230 М16 4 250 120 310 414×427×400 74 t saddle with a hole D120
DP200G150 Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
213 150 4477 110 290 410×407×350 130 t saddle with a hole D110
DP350G200А* Сapacity t Stroke mm Working oil capacity cm3 d1 mm n шт. D1 mm d2 mm D2mm Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight kg Saddle
361 200 10126 М16 4 300 110 390 512×507×400 120 t saddle with a hole D110

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Electric pumps equipped with manual discharge tap

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